SKY's Official Statement on the CDO issued to SKYdirect by NTC
July 01, 2020 08:11 PM
SKYdirect’s 1.5 million subscribers nationwide, including those in remote areas that do not receive television signals, will be deprived of access to the channels we carry that bring them news, information, education and entertainment starting tonight June 30, 2020, as Sky Cable Corporation complies with the cease and desist order (CDO) issued by the National Telecommunications Commission (NTC) stopping the company from operating its direct broadcast satellite service immediately.
In the spirit of fairness, we continue to appeal to the NTC to extend the same privilege given in the past to other companies whose franchises have expired but are currently pending in Congress to continue its operations until a resolution is passed.
We assure our subscribers that we will exhaust all legal remedies to resume our services.
We commit to attend to the concerns of our valued subscribers and partners arising from this decision. We will refund all unconsumed prepaid loads and advance postpaid payments. We appeal to our SKYdirect subscribers and partners for understanding and patience as we undergo this process.
SKYcable and SKY Fiber, however, will continue their operations since they are not affected by SKYdirect’s franchise expiration.
For more information, please visit the SKYdirect Facebook page.